
Customize item card🔗

The search view or list view displays the search results as a list of item cards. Each cards represents one item.

The item card can be customized a bit in the user settings. In the user menu (the user icon, top right), choose User Profile and then UI Settings. Among other things, there is a Item Cards section:

Max Note Length🔗

This defines how many of the item notes to display in the card. You can set it to 0 to not show any notes at all. This is only a "soft limit", there is also a "hard limit" in docspell's configuration (see max-note-length), that is an upper limit to this value.

Size of item preview🔗

The item preview is an image of the first page of the first attachment. You can change the order of attachments in the item detail view. This image has a predefined size, which is specified docspell's configuration (see extraction.preview.dpi). The size for displaying it, can be specified via this setting. A small preview uses about 80px width, a medium one 160px and large means to use the available space in the card.

Card Title/Subtitle Pattern🔗

Allows to define a pattern to customize the appearance of title and subtitle of each card. Variables expressions are enclosed in {{ and }}, other text is used as-is. The following variables are available:

  • {{name}} the item name
  • {{source}} the source the item was created from
  • {{folder}} the items folder
  • {{corrOrg}} the correspondent organization
  • {{corrPerson}} the correspondent person
  • {{correspondent}} organization and person separated by a comma
  • {{concPerson}} the concerning person
  • {{concEquip}} the concerning equipment
  • {{concerning}} person and equipment separated by a comma
  • {{fileCount}} the number of attachments of this item
  • {{dateLong}} the item date as full formatted date (Tue, December 12nd, 2020)
  • {{dateShort}} the item date as short formatted date (yyyy/mm/dd)
  • {{dueDateLong}} the item due date as full formatted date (Tue, December 12nd, 2020)
  • {{dueDateShort}} the item due date as short formatted date (yyyy/mm/dd)
  • {{direction}} the items direction values as string

You can combine multiple variables with | to use the first non-empty one, for example {{corrOrg|corrPerson|-}} would render the organization and if that is not present the person. If both are absent a dash - is rendered. A part (like the - here) is rendered as is, if it cannot be matched against a known variable.

The default patterns are:

  • title: {{name}}
  • subtitle: {{dateLong}}